Who can make an appeal:
Appeals can be made by any person or organisation who made a submission on the Representation Review 2024 – Initial Proposal. Appeals must be lodged in writing.

(Please note: All appeals will be considered by the Local Government Commission)
Any person or organisation that has made a submission on the Representation Review 2024 –Initial Proposal may lodge a written appeal that:
a) must identify the matters to which the appeal relates; and
b) may raise only those matters that were raised in the original submission.

Privacy Statement:
Please be aware that appeals are part of a public consultation process. All information provided will be made publicly available, including names and contact details. Please see our Submissions Policy on our website

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Organisation (if you submitted on behalf of an organisation)

Question Title

* Email Address

Question Title

* Phone Number

Question Title

* Postal Address

Question Title

* My appeal to the Representation Review 2024 - Final Proposal is as follows

Phone 07 306 9009 Email submissions@kaweraudc.govt.nz Website Kaweraudc.govt.nz