This VESTED Reader Survey is designed to gather opinions and suggestions for our magazine. Your feedback will help us better fulfill VESTED’s mission to inform and inspire what’s next for our readers.

Thank you for your time and support in completing this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a CAPTRUST client?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your satisfaction with VESTED’s coverage of the following topics.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied No Opinion Satisfied Very Satisfied
Arts and Culture
Investments and the Economy
Health and Health Care
Personal Finance
Legacy Planning
Stories about People
Hobbies and Interests

Question Title

* 3. Do you have a story idea you'd like to see in VESTED? If so, please take a minute to share it with us in the space below.

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the quality of VESTED in the following areas.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied No Opinion Satisfied Very Satisfied
Ease of Reading
Writing Style
Layout and Design

Question Title

* 5. How has VESTED impacted you? Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
A story in VESTED helped me think about a challenge in my life differently.
I have considered a new financial planning idea presented in VESTED.
The stories in VESTED speak to my lifestyle and interests.
The content in VESTED is thought provoking.
VESTED has introduced me to new ideas and experiences.
VESTED magazine affirms my choice to hire CAPTRUST.

Question Title

* 6. We are considering additional ways to reach our readers. Please rate your agreement with the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly Agree
Post-pandemic, I would attend a live, in-person event near me featuring a person or topic from VESTED.
I would watch an in-depth video featuring people and ideas covered in VESTED.
I would listen to a podcast featuring VESTED people and ideas.
I would like a more frequent digital VESTED newsletter.
I would attend a live, virtual event on a person or topic featured in VESTED.
I would watch short videos featuring people and ideas covered in VESTED.

Question Title

* 7. Please select your age range below.

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* 8. Leave us your contact information in the event we have questions. (optional)