Please answer the following questions so we can evaluate how well we have responded to your needs. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and all of your answers will be anonymous.
For statements 6-15, please choose the most appropriate answer to tell us if you agree or disagree with the statements. For the remaining questions, please write your answers in the space provided.

Question Title

* 1. Group Name

Question Title

* 2. Community

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us what program(s) you participate in: (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. How many group sessions did you have?

Question Title

* 5. I received services in: 

Question Title

* 6. The worker(s) helped me develop group session treatment goals that met my needs.

Question Title

* 7. I felt heard and respected by the worker(s).

Question Title

* 8. The worker(s) identified both strengths and needs in my family.

Question Title

* 9. My culture was respected and taken into consideration by the worker(s).

Question Title

* 10. The worker(s) was/were able to effectively communicate with me in the official language of my choosing.

Question Title

* 11. I am more able to manage difficulties than before group sessions.

Question Title

* 12. The group services I received allowed me to meet my goals.

Question Title

* 13. I have strengthened skills and abilities because of the group services provided.

Question Title

* 14. I have less needs and symptoms because of the group services provided.

Question Title

* 15. I would recommend NEOFACS to other families.

Question Title

* 16. Please describe your reasons for ending service (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 17. What did NEOFACS do well?

Question Title

* 18. What change(s) can NEOFACS make that would have the biggest positive impact on the service you received?

Question Title

* 19. Additional Comments: