Fair Housing Survey - For Organizations / Agencies

The City of Fort Pierce is in the process of updating its Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Report. Fair Housing is defined as discrimination in housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex familial status and disability.

We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes and complete the following survey regarding your agency’s experience with fair housing issues.

We sincerely appreciate your contribution to this report.

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* 1. Please provide contact information for your agency:

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* 2. For statistical purposes, please identify your occupation:

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* 3. How many Fair Housing complaints did your agency receive in the past 12 months?

If you answer for #3 above is 0 or 'Don't Know', please SKIP TO QUESTION #5.

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* 4. Please identify the types of housing discrimination complaints that your agency has received over the past 12 months.

Please rate each statement below indicating the degree to which possible barriers to fair housing exist.

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* 5. The concentration of affordable housing in certain geographic areas.

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* 6. Discrimination in credit and lending practices:

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* 7. The lack of housing information translated into other languages:

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* 8. Land use and zoning:

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* 9. Residents:

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* 10. Large property owners and property managers:

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* 11. Small property landlords and property managers:

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* 12. Real Estate Agents:

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* 13. Bankers and Lenders:

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* 14. Appraisers:

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* 15. In your opinion, why don't people report housing discrimination?

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* 16. Do you believe that there is a disproportional concentration of minorities in declining and deteriorating neighborhoods?

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* 17. Do you believe that affordable housing is concentrated in only deteriorating and declining neighborhoods?

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* 18. What steps do you think the City could take to address impediments to fair housing?

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* 19. Please describe any actions taking place in your agency/organization to promote fair housing.

THANK YOU for taking time to complete this survey!