Stakeholder Survey

1.I am a Client Care Coordinator, DSS Social Worker or Other?
2.The agency provides exceptional services?
3.How satisfied are you with the progress of the agency?
4.The agency providers adequate training to persons served?
5.The Care Providers work with the person's served strengths and preferences?
6.The agency's staff and/or provider responds to questions or concerns in a timely manner?
7.Overall, I am pleased with the assistance I have received from agency?
8.The agency has taken extreme safety precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic?
9.Overall, I am satisfied with the agency's response to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation?
10.What are your top two concerns or suggestions (if any) that you would like us to consider to though the COVID-19 situation?
11.I highly recommend this agency as a great place to received services?
12.What are your top two concerns or suggestions (if any) that you would like us to consider ?
13.I feel the agency has done a great job with internal communication regarding the coronavirus/COVIS-19 pandemic?
14.I have worked with the agency for?