The Wexford Children and Young Persons Services Committee (CYPSC) would like to gather the views of parents to inform the work of the committee and its 3-year Children & Young People’s Plan. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete this survey, all responses are anonymous. Wexford CYPSC brings together all the agencies and organisations that have a role in supporting children and young people from birth to 24 years. The aim is to work together to improve outcomes for children and young people. For more information on Wexford CYPSC and to view the previous Wexford Children & Young People’s Plan click here.

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* 1. Which area of the County do you live in?

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* 2. Do you live in a?

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* 3. Family Type?

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* 4. Number of children?

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* 5. Children ages? Tick all that apply

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* 6. What clubs/group/ services are your children involved in ? Please tick all that apply.

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* 7. If your children are not involved in any group/club, what is preventing/stopping them from becoming involved? Please tick all that apply.

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* 8. Please tell us about any other clubs/groups that you would like your children to participate in?

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* 9. In your view, what are the 5 biggest issues affecting children and young people in Wexford? Rank from 1-5

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* 10. Please use the comment box below to tell us your reasons for why you rated the biggest issues in the previous question, the way you did?

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* 11. What do you feel are currently the top five needs that are presenting for parents in County Wexford? Rank from 1 - 5

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* 12. Please use the comment box below to tell us the reasons why you rated the top 5 needs in the previous question, the way you did?

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* 13. How do you think Wexford CYPSC can most effectively support Parents across the County ? Please tick all that apply.

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* 14. Please use the section below for any further comments that you feel are relevant to the Wexford Children and Young Person’s Plan.

Thank You For Taking The Time To Complete This Survey