... and your feedback is appreciated!

PLEASE NOTE: Unless you enter any specific identifying info. or list your name at the end of the survey, your honest feedback to the following questions will remain COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS. Yes, you can skip questions you'd rather not answer, yet we hope you take a moment to provide your feedback to as many of the questions as possible.  Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. As noted above, I understand that the feedback I provide in this survey is completely anonymous unless I enter any specific identifying info. or list my name at the end, in question #14.

Question Title

* 2. CCI is proud of the traditional and non-traditional benefits offered to associates. Are you aware of how to access these resources? (Corporate Chaplain, Dream Coach, Wellness, Financial Advisors, etc.)

Question Title

* 3. Who do you feel most supports you at CCI?

Question Title

* 4. I feel that I receive praise and/or recognition on a regular basis from my supervisor/manager for a job well done.

Question Title

* 5. Last year associates rated the communication between management and associates as 3.2 stars out of 5. Has communication improved?

Question Title

* 6. Last year associates rated the training and education opportunities offered as 3.5 stars out of 5. Has this improved in 2023?

Question Title

* 7. FIELD ASSOCIATES: Rate your level of satisfaction with CCI's culture. (office associates, please skip and answer #8)

Question Title

* 8. OFFICE ASSOCIATES: Rate your level of satisfaction with CCI's culture. (field associates, please skip and answer #7)

Question Title

* 9. If you could change one thing at CCI, what would it be and why?

Question Title

* 10. Last year survey results showed that attention should be put on:
Communication, Mentoring, Team Building, Care Coins & High Five Program, Eliminating Rework, and Delivering the Promise & Process Improvement

Has this improved?

  Greatly Worsened Got Worse No Change Improved Greatly Improved
Team Building
Care Coins & High Five Program
Eliminating Rework
Delivering the Promise & Process Improvement

Question Title

* 11. Is there something else you think CCI should focus on in 2024 to make us stronger?

Question Title

* 12. What questions would you like Leadership to answer at the Annual Meeting?

Question Title

* 13. Please list any other comments, concerns, or suggestions you may have.

Question Title

* 14. Enter your name if you would like to be contacted directly for any reason.