Attendee Survey

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied were you with the event?

Question Title

* 2. How relevant were the topics covered to your business?

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied were you with the registration process?

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied were you with the virtual format?

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied were you with the length of today's event?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the presentations (only rate those sessions which you attended).

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Keynote: How Did We Get Here? And How Do We Move Forward?
A Look to the Future: Skills Needs of North Carolina Businesses
Breakout Session: Legislative Discussion
Breakout Session: Targeting Under-Represented Populations to Meet the Skills Needs of NC Businesses
Breakout Session: From School to Career-Ready: How NC Schools are Preparing Students for a Career Path
The Future of Education and Workforce in North Carolina
Where Do We Go From Here?

Question Title

* 7. Please provide any comments and/or suggestions.

Question Title

* 8. We would appreciate a testimonial in the space below regarding your experience for future marketing purposes. Name, company, and email address (OPTIONAL).