Community Survey

Jennerstown Borough has started to prepare a Comprehensive Plan and we want to hear from you. The Plan will provide action-oriented strategies focused on community priorities. The Plan will also provide a vision for Jennerstown Borough. The vision will be achieved through implementation of achievable goals and realistic actions.

This Survey has been created to collect everyone’s ideas for making Jennerstown Borough a destination community in the Laurel Highlands. We want everyone to share their voice in this process. Your suggestions and comments will greatly help in this planning process.

The Survey will only take a few minutes to complete. We would like responses by June 1, 2024. Thank You!

Other Community Engagement opportunities are being planned - information will be provided when those are scheduled.

Question Title

1. Which category best describes your age (please check one)

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2. Please identify where you live

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3. If a Resident, please tell us what you like most about Jennerstown Borough; or If a visitor, please tell us what attracts you to the Borough? (please check all that apply)

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4. Which of the following Community Enhancements/Amenities would you like to see more of or improved in the Borough? (Check your top 5 priorities)

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5. In planning for future development, how do you feel the Borough should address the following (check one rating for each item)

  Promote Discourage
Single family residential development
Multi-family residential development
Short-Term Rentals/Airbnbs
Bed & Breakfasts
Commercial and Business opportunities
Mixed use (commercial with residential) opportunities
Home Based businesses
Work-from-home amenities/facilities
Retail/Shopping opportunities
Dining opportunities
Industrial opportunities
New Recreation facilities
Protection of open space/environment
Preserving the rural/small town atmosphere
Zoning Ordinance Updates
Code/Ordinance enforcement
Reducing Conflicting/Nuisance land uses

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6. Which one of the following best characterizes your view on Zoning regulations and code enforcement in the Borough?

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7. What types of Land Use issues/problems do you think should be addressed in the Borough?

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8. How often do you use the following recreation/entertainment resources?

  Never Daily Once a week Once a month A few times a year
Jennerstown Park/Nature Preserve
Jennerstown Playground
Jennerstown Speedway
The Mountain Playhouse
Surrounding Laurel Highlands Activities

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9. If only one (1) thing could be done to improve Jennerstown Borough what do you think it should be?

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10. Please provide any comments that you feel are relevant to the future of Jennerstown Borough

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11. If you want to receive updates on other Community Engagement opportunities, please provide your contact information (email)