ISCC-PEG Scholar Overview

The Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG) is a collaborative group aimed at improving healthcare provider genomics education. Currently, ISSC-PEG has over 250 members, which include societies, institutes, individuals and industry members. The committee is supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).

Since its inception, ISCC-PEG has provided an important forum for discussion and, through project groups, conference calls and in-person meetings, developed resources for genomics education including webinars, published competencies and workshops at meetings of member organizations.

The goal of the ISCC-PEG Scholars Program is to allow a student or trainee with an interest in genomics education to have exposure to the broader genomics community and experts in the field with the opportunity to work on a genomics-related education project. The appointment will be for two years, and the student or trainee must be enrolled in a college, higher degree program or training program when they begin their term as a scholar. The Scholar will participate in ISCC-PEG plenary calls and have travel funded to the Annual ISCC-PEG meeting for a presentation on their progress. This program is not a full-time fellowship, post-doctoral, or salaried position. Travel to the Annual ISCC-PEG meeting is the only financial component. The Selection Committee will be made up of the ISCC-PEG Co-Chairs, NHGRI staff, and the Co-chairs of Project Groups. For any questions, email:

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* 1. Please provide the following contact information:

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* 2. Please provide the following:

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* 3. In 750 words or less, describe a project you would like to pursue while you are an ISCC-PEG Scholar. Include background/significance, specific aims and methods (including, if applicable, assessment plan) and how the project will utilize the expertise of ISCC-PEG membership.

Note: while we cannot guarantee that this project will be the one you will complete as a Scholar, the selection committee will take your interest into consideration in assigning a mentor.

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* 4. In 750 words or less, describe what you would hope to get out of becoming an ISCC-PEG Scholar, including the basis for your interest in genetics and healthcare provider education.

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* 5. Please upload a letter from your program director or other supervisor supporting your application.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 6. Please upload your CV or Resume.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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