Exit this survey JDBC Programming with Java Post Test Default Section Question Title * 1. JDBC syntax is very specific to the version of the Database being accessed? True False Do Not Know Question Title * 2. Which of the following Interfaces requires a Userid and Password to use? DatabaseDriver Connection Statement ResultSet Do not know Question Title * 3. Which Design Pattern separates the Business Logic from the SQL code? Data Access Object (DAO) Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Java Persistence API (JPA) Active Record (AR) Do not know Question Title * 4. Which Exception occurs when the Database is closed prior to use? SQLClosedException SQLException ClientException ConnectionException Do not know Question Title * 5. A JDBC PreparedStatement helps prevent SQL Injection Attacks. True False Do not know Question Title * 6. Which of the following is used to invoke a Stored Procedure? Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement ProcedureStatment Do not know Question Title * 7. JDBC Connections are Auto Commit by default True False Do not know Question Title * 8. Which of the following methods commits a Transaction? transaction.commit() connection.commit() statement.commit() connection.getCurrentTransaction().commit() Do not know Question Title * 9. What is the first step in connecting to a Database via JDBC? Create a Connection Object Load the Database Driver Create an XML configuration file to hold Userid and Password Execute a command to load the Database Metadata Do not know Question Title * 10. Which of the following returns a ResultSet? statement.execute() statement.executeQuery() statement.executeUpdate() statement.executeResultSet() Do not know Done