Freumhan Survey

Thoiribh dhuinn ur beachdan air an tasglann
Please tell us what you think of our living archive
1.Tha na thasglann leantainneach a gleidheadh lèirsinn ’s obair chruthachail luchd ealain na Gàidhlig, eadar seann is òg agus an iomadh cùirt ris a bheil iad. is a new living archive where we are seeing to capture the incredible work, and vision of our Gaelic speaking artists of all ages and disciplines, please tell us what you think of these first films.
2.A smaoinich sibh air luchd ealain, luchd ciùil no sgrìobhadairean san sgìre agaibh pèin a bu choir a bhith a measg na tha san tasglann seo? Cuiribh an t-ainm agus an sgìre sa bheil iad an seo:
In your experience of Gaelic speaking artists, musicians or writers in your area or within your networks  is there anyone you think we should invite to be included in the archive ? Please add their name/s and location/s here:
3.Dè an t-aois a tha sibh?
Please tell us your age?
Please tell us your gender?
Cò sibh?
Please tell us your ethnicity? 
6.A bheil a’ Gàidhlig agaibh/ ga h-ionnsachadh/ uidh agaibh innte?

Are you a Gaelic speaker / learner / interested in learning? 
7.Dè na canain a tha agaibh?

Please tell us which languages you speak?
8.Dè mar a lorg sibh
Please tell us how you found out about (tick all that apply)
9.Ur còd puiste?
Please tell us your postcode?   (we use this to show the reach of this website)
10.Dè an dùthaich sa bheil sibh?
Please tell us which country you are based in?