Digital Diplomacy Coalition's Path Forward

Please share your views. This survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes. You may choose to provide your contact details or answer the form completely anonymously. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to assist us as we endeavour to support our community and build a stronger digital diplomacy network.
1.First and Last Name (Optional)
2.Organization (Optional)
3.Email Address (Optional)
4.Location (Required.)
5.Which of these options most closely matches your current professional background? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
6.Have you previously attended an in-person or virtual Digital Diplomacy Coalition event?(Required.)
7.What type of Digital Diplomacy Coalition activities would you find most useful for you personally and professionally moving forward? (Required.)
8.Would you be willing to join a brief virtual focus group to share more thoughts with the Digital Diplomacy Coalition? If yes, please be sure to include your Name, Email Address and Organization above.(Required.)
9.Would you / your organization be interested in hosting a Digital Diplomacy Coalition physical or virtual event in the future? If yes, please be sure to include your Name, Email Address and Organization above.(Required.)
10.Is there anything else you would like to share with us? (Optional)
Current Progress,
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