Question Title

* 2. Your Name

Question Title

* 3. Your Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Today's date


Question Title

* 6. Center OBS as of the last day of the month for the reporting period:

Question Title

* 7. Number of new students admitted to the center

(Number of new students arriving on center during the previous month)

Question Title

* 8. Number of students receiving medical exam within 14 days of arrival

(Number of students who received a medical exam within 14 days of arrival. Some of these students may have arrived on center during the previous reporting period, and some will be carried over to the next reporting period)

Question Title

* 9. Number of center physician (CP), physician assistant (PA) and nurse practitioner (NP) visits

(Number of CP/PA/NP– Number of visits to health services during which a student is seen by a CP/PA/NP)

Question Title

* 10. Number of nursing visits – Number of visits to health services during which a student is seen by a nurse (RN, LP/VN))

Question Title

* 11. Number of pregnancies diagnosed on entry

(Number of students who had a positive pregnancy test on entry, as part of the medical exam, by residential status. Report only those diagnosed during the reporting period.)

Question Title

* 12. Number of pregnancies diagnosed after entry

(Number of students who had a positive pregnancy test after an initial negative test, by residential status. Report only those diagnosed during the reporting period.)

Question Title

* 13. Number of emergency room visits

(Number of visits made to the emergency room)

Question Title

* 14. Number of urgent care visits

(Number of visits made to an urgent care center)

Question Title

* 15. Number of  admitted hospitalizations

(Number of students who were admitted to the hospital)

Question Title

* 16. Number of students provided direct clinical mental health services by the CMHC(s) or an intern/practicum student under their supervision

(Number of students who had direct clinical mental health services including intake assessments, individual or group counseling/therapy, crisis intervention sessions, medical separation evaluations, sessions with students regarding psychotropic medication(s), and any other activities where the provider meets directly with the student)

Question Title

* 17. Do you have a mental health intern/practicum student program?

Question Title

* 18. Number of Health and Wellness staff hours spent supporting/aiding the disability program

(Number of hours Health and Wellness staff spent participating in the Disability Accommodation Process (DAP), consultation with the disability coordinator, follow-up, and record review)

Question Title

* 19. Number of incoming students on Psychotropic Medications

Arrived – Students entering the program during the reporting period who were on psychotropic medications

Started – Students entering the program during the reporting period who were not on psychotropic medications prior to enrollment, but were prescribed medications upon arrival

Question Title

* 20. Number of incoming students on Controlled Substances

Arrived – Students entering the program during the reporting period who were on Controlled Substances

Started – Students entering the program during the reporting period who were not on Controlled Substances prior to enrollment, but were prescribed medications upon arrival