Animals & Society Institute Engagement Survey
Are you an Animals & Society Institute (ASI) member?
If you aren't an ASI member, why not?
Membership is to expensive
Not sure of benefits
I get the information I need without membership
Other (please specify)
If you are a member- how long have you been a member?
1 year or less
2-5 years
6 years or more
How did you hear about ASI?
Social media, i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
ASI Facebook page
HAS Facebook page
ASI newsletter
HAS Report
What membership benefit(s) do you find most valuable? (check all that apply)
Discounts on publications like ASI’s Human Animal Studies Book Series,
Society & Animals
, and the
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Member Profile, where can you post your bio, photo, research and teaching interests, publication links, and can network with other Scholar, Student, and Professional members
A subscription to the monthly HAS Report, with information on conferences, calls for submissions, news, job listings, and other important information for HAS scholars
A subscription to the monthly ASI Newsletter which shares ASI insider information
Scholar member only access to select resources on the HASResource page, including back issues of Society & Animals, and the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Full access to the ASI Digital Archives
Not a member
What benefit(s) do you find least valuable? (check all that apply)
Discounts on publications like ASI’s Human Animal Studies Book Series,
Society & Animals
, and the J
ournal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Member Profile, where can you post your bio, photo, research and teaching interests, publication links, and can network with other Scholar, Student, and Professional members
A subscription to the monthly HAS Report, with information on conferences, calls for submissions, news, job listings, and other important information for HAS scholars
A subscription to the monthly ASI Newsletter which shares ASI insider information
Scholar member only access to select resources on the HASResource page, including back issues of Society & Animals, and the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Full access to the ASI Digital Archives
Not a member
If offered, would you take advantage of these resources? (check all that apply)
Speakers series- Authors discuss their latest books
Research events- Researchers share their latest scholarly articles
Topical panel discussions
Topical white papers/briefs
Topical Youtube videos
Other (please specify)
What research topic(s) are you most interested in?
Companion Animals
Farm Animals
Urban Wildlife
Animal Testing
Animals and Climate Change
Animals and Pandemics
Animals and Policy
Ethics and Animals
Human-Animal Relationships
Animal Shelters/Rescues
Art/Literature and Animals
History and Animals
Other (please specify)
How do you prefer to hear from ASI?
Social Media, i.e. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter
Postal Mail
Other (please specify)
If you donate to ASI, why?
I believe in the mission
I want to help create and promote animal protection research
I am an ASI member
I trust my donation will make a difference in communities near and far
I see ASI online and on social media
I know someone on the board of directors
I want the tax deduction
Someone I know asked me to donate
Other (please specify)