Practice Standard and Guideline Survey - Professional Collaboration, Accountabilities in Different Roles and Supervision of Students and Support Personnel

A brief survey about kinesiologists' Accountabilities in Different Roles. This survey relates to the Practice Standard - Professional Collaboration, the Practice Standard - Supervision and Education of Students and Support Personnel and the Practice Guideline - Accountabilities in Different Roles. All responses are confidential. Individuals will not be identified. Responses will be analyzed based on aggregate data only.
1.Years of experience as a kinesiologist (optional):
2.Nature of practice (optional)
3.Practice location (see: Electoral Districts) (optional)
4.My specific role(s) (select all that may apply. note: responses are anonymous)(Required.)
5.According the the College's Practice Standard, what activities are not to be assigned to students or support personnel?(Required.)
6.Health care professionals working in multi-disciplinary settings should (chose the "best" answer):(Required.)
7.Kinesiologists working in support roles (for example, as assistants to other regulated health care professionals) are expected to meet the College's expectations (including the Practice Standards).
8.Please enter any questions or additional comments you may have.