Overview and your details

Council is considering prescribing a new qualification (registration pathway) for specialist International Medical Graduates (IMGs). This new qualification will provide for an expedited pathway for specialist registration in the Provisional Vocational scope of practice.

Under the proposed expedited pathway, applications for registration will be determined without seeking and relying on advice from the relevant medical Colleges. This will accelerate the overall process for eligible IMGs to gain Provisional Vocational registration and commence practice. It will also allow medical Colleges to focus resources on more complex applications.

Recognising Council’s overarching objective of ensuring public safety, the pathway would be specifically applied to IMGs who have completed approved postgraduate medical training and in approved areas of medicine. In determining what postgraduate medical training and areas of medicine should be approved, Council will specifically focus on the postgraduate qualifications and areas of medicine that, in Council’s experience, has provided a demonstrably competent and safe cohort of registrants.

The consultation is split into two parts and we welcome your feedback on:

Part A - Consultation on the proposed new pathway to registration (prescribed qualification)
Part B - Request for views on the postgraduate qualifications and areas of medicine that Council may approve.

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    * 1. What is your name?

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    * 2. What is your role?

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    * 3. Are you responding on behalf of your organisation?

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    * 4. If yes, what is the organisation?

    Question Title

    * 5. We publish submissions at our discretion on our website. Published submissions will include the names of the individuals and/or the organisations that made the submission, unless confidentiality is requested. 

    Please advise us if you do not want all or part of your submission published.
