This is a unique opportunity to spend one-to-one time with a leader in the field of neuropsychology during the NAN Conference. Submit your application online no later than 5:00pm EST on September 2, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Your Information

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* 2. Academic Level

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* 3. Year in graduate school or postdoctoral program

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* 4. Please select 1-3 topics you would most like to discuss with a potential sponsor.

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* 5. If "Specific topic areas (e.g., forensic neuropsychology, dementia, concussion)" was selected above, please list up to 3 areas of interest.

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* 6. Statement of Interest: provide a brief (2-3 sentences) description of your interest in this Sponsorship Program.

Please provide names and contact information (phone and email) of two recent supervisors who are familiar with your interests and can speak to your potential for success in neuropsychology. Please let both know they may be contacted by a member of the WIL committee regarding your application.

Question Title

* 7. Reference 1

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* 8. Reference 2