SoSAFE Training Follow-Up

1.Where did you complete your SoSAFE training(Required.)
2.What month did you attend training(Required.)
3.Have you been able to apply your learning from the course?(Required.)
4.If Yes - What SoSAFE tool/s did you use?(Required.)
5.Have you helped anyone you support to use any of the SoSAFE concepts?"(Required.)
6.Has your workplace implemented SoSAFE in a whole of organisation way?(Required.)
7.If you have not been able to apply SoSAFe knowledge, what specific barriers have prevented you from applying the knowledge and skills you learned?(Required.)
8.What further supports would you like to better assist you in implementing SoSAFE  in your work?
9.Would you like to be part of a Community of Practice where  we can share ideas and resources?(Required.)
10.Would you like to be informed when there is a 'Train the Trainer' course created?(Required.)
11.Is there anything else you would like to add?