BHA Membership Survey

The executive board of the Butterfield Homeowners Association (BHA) is performing a formal survey of our members to learn more about you personally and how you feel about our performance. Please answer the following as fully as possible.
1.Are you currently a paid-up member of the BHA? If not, please sign up at - we recommend the "Noble" level.
2.What is your name, address, and contact information? Please fill in at least your name and email address.
3.How many years have you been a BHA member?
4.Have you ever served on a BHA committee or as an officer on the board? If so, please explain in detail, including length of service, which year(s) you served, and any other relevant information.
5.How satisfied are you with the performance of the current executive board?
Very dissatisfied
Neutral/No Opinion
Very Satisfied
Choose One:
6.How satisfied are you with the quality of the services we are providing?
Very dissatisfied
Neutral/No Opinion
Very satisfied
Entrance signs
Marketing & Public Relations
General effectiveness/Relevance
7.How can we improve on these services?
8.In order to pay for the increasing cost of managing the Association, the executive board is considering converting the BHA from a non-profit to a for-profit in order to increase our revenues. Click here to learn more about the plan. Your annual dues will not increase as a result of this action, and the quantity and quality of services will increase. How do you feel about this?
Very Dissatisfied
Neutral/No Opinion
Very Satisfied
9.In order to get approval to migrate the BHA from a non-profit to a for-profit organization, we will need you to come in and vote at the next meeting on June 17th. Will you commit to attend in person?
10.If you are unable to attend in person, we have a Zoom meeting set up for you to use. Will you commit to attend the meeting using Zoom? Here is the link and login information: | Meeting ID: 329 376 3998 | Dial in by phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered