[SURVEY] Win Delicious Food and Drinks From Tottori Prefecture Question Title * 1. Did the new Tottori book inspire you to travel to Tottori or visit again? Yes, it really did! Not really Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which of the following destinations, events or experiences are you most interested in after reading the book? (Choose your top 3) Tottori Sand Dunes Tottori Sand Dunes Paragliding Tottori Sand Dunes Fat-bike Tottori Sand Dunes Sandboard Tottori Sand Dunes Stargazing The Sand Museum Uradome Coast Tottori Fish Markets Wagasa Denshokan (Yodoe Umbrellas) Shanshan Festival Kirinjishi Tottori Kagura Mitakien Okazaki Farm (Kaki Persimmons) Tasting Tottori Watermelon Tasting Tottori Nashi Pears Inshu Nakai Kiln Talmary Ooe Valley Stay Kaike Onsen Misasa Onsen Nageiredo Kurayoshi Whitewall Warehouses Coffee shop Kura Tasting Tottori Wagyu Beef Exploring Mount Daisen Umetsu Shuzo Daisen G Beer Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography Mizuki Shigeru Road and Museum Gosho Aoyama Manga Factory Tasting Tottori Crab All of the above Question Title * 3. What other experiences are you interested in having when visiting Tottori in the future? Question Title * 4. Which of the destinations, events and/or experiences featured in the book do you think would be most interesting to travelers from overseas? (For example, your friends or family members living abroad). Question Title * 5. Which of the following gifts from Tottori do you wish to receive? (Please choose only one) Tottori Crab Set (Worth ¥20,000) Tottori Wagyu Beef Steak Set (Worth ¥10,000) Tottori Nihonshu and/or Craft Beer (Worth ¥10,000) A hardcopy of the book — "Tottori: The Land, The Lives, The Stories" Question Title * 6. Your contact information (To be used for only when sending the prize in case you win) Full Name Full Address in Japan Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 7. A little bit about yourself Nationality * Length of stay in Japan * Occupation Done