City of Rocklin Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Community Survey

1.I am a (please check all that apply)
2.How would you rate the overall accessibility of the City of Rocklin for people with disabilities?
3.Within the City of Rocklin, have you experienced any barriers, areas that are not accessible, or feel you are unable to participate in programs or activities because they are not accessible?
4.Have you ever experienced any physical barriers (parking, ramps, restrooms, accessibility) while visiting any Rocklin parks or playgrounds?
5.Have you ever experienced any physical barriers (parking, ramps, restrooms, accessibility) while visiting any City of Rocklin facilities (City Hall, Police Department, Fire Stations, Public Works Building, Parks & Recreation Buildings)?
6.Are the sidewalks and pedestrian pathways in your neighborhood accessible and safe for travel for people with mobility challenges?
7.Do you encounter any issues with curb ramps, crosswalks, or pedestrian signals in the City of Rocklin?
8.Have you experienced any barriers to accessing City services or events due to a disability?
9.Do you know whom to contact at the City of Rocklin to request an accommodation or discuss accessibility for a facility, program, service, or activity?
10.Have you ever contacted the City’s ADA Coordinator to report a physical barrier or accessibility issue?