100% of survey complete.
Thank you for participating in the Northwest Agriculture Business Center's survey of farmers in the Puget Sound region. Please complete the sections appropriate for your business enterprise. When you have finished, please click DONE at the end of the survey. All results will be held in the strictest confidence.

NABC helps to preserve farmland by making farms more profitable. One of our key projects is to help create a regional processing center to benefit Northwest Washington agricultural producers. Your input is essential in evaluating feasibility of and demand for the center, which would include co-packing facilities available for use by local farms. Thank you for your valued contribution.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the standard contact information below.

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* 2. Please include your website if applicable.

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* 3. How much land do you farm?

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* 4. Do you own or lease the land that you farm?

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* 5. Do you live on the land you farm (is it a family farm)?

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* 6. Do you have access to additional acreage you could farm if demand for your product were greater?

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* 7. If so, how much more land could you be farming (acres) ?

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* 8. What do you grow?

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* 9. How much do you grow (lbs./yr, units/yr, head/yr, etc)?

Question Title

* 10. How would you define your growing practices?

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* 11. If you employ a growing practice not listed above, please specify it here:

Question Title

* 12. Where do you sell your product (wholesale, retail, farmers markets, CSA, etc)?

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* 13. Is all or a portion of your farm product processed (i.e. "value-added")?

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* 14. What type of value-added product are you producing?

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* 15. What is the approximate annual dollar value of your value-added production?

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* 16. Are there certifications or Eco labels you use with your farm product (Food Alliance Certified, Salmon Safe, etc)?

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* 17. If processed on-farm, are you HACCP certified? (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point/ Plan)

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* 18. If processed off-farm, at what processing facility? Please identify facility name, address and contact information.

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* 19. Do you know of a local processing center that is presently under-utilized or that could be expanded?

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* 20. If "yes," please provide facility name, address and contact information:

Question Title

* 21. How would you characterize your interest in having access to a shared processing facility within reasonable distance from your farm?

Question Title

* 22. If "uncertain," please explain:

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* 23. If interested in having access to a processing facility how many miles would you be willing to transport your product for processing (round trip)?

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* 24. Do you have any need for cold storage?

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* 25. Do you need help distributing your farm product?

Question Title

* 26. If "yes," please specify:

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* 27. Do you need help marketing your product?

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* 28. If yes, please specify:

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* 29. Do you need more farm labor help?

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* 30. Do you need help creating business plans or other assistance aimed at securing bank loans?

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* 31. If "yes," please explain:

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* 32. If at present your farm product is not processed, would having the ability to process your farm products encourage you to grow other crops or start other farm enterprises?

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* 33. If "yes," please explain:

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* 34. If you are not already producing value-added products, are you interested in learning more about transitioning to such products?

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* 35. If "yes," what types of value-added products interest you?

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* 36. What are the primary obstacles making it difficult for your farming operation to be more profitable? Please be as specific as possible.

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* 37. What one thing would be of most value in making your farming operation more profitable?

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* 38. Please add any comments or questions you may have:

Thank you for your contribution!