People's Board of Directors Election 2025 |
Decide the future of the Co-op with your vote!
This year there are four co-op owners running for two open seats. After you have reviewed the candidates’ statements, please vote for up to two candidates. People’s bylaws require that at least 250 votes be cast to validate the election. The continued success of People’s depends on your participation! Thank you!
Who can vote?
Who can vote?
- Each owner with a current annual investment is entitled to one vote
- The person voting must be the household owner whose name appears as the primary shareholder on the ownership application
- New owners who have not yet received an ownership number but have invested their $15 annual ownership share are eligible to vote!
To find out your owner number, call People’s at (619) 224-1387 and ask for our Membership Department.
Deadline to cast your vote is April 26th at 3pm! You will be voting for two candidates at the end of the survey.