General Information

Greetings YDEKC Members!
While you (leaders of non-profit youth serving organizations in King County) have always driven our work, we are working hard to increase our accountability to you by understanding your perspective on where we've been, and where we are heading.

This survey is our second Annual Member Feedback Survey to support our own continuous improvement efforts. Thank you for setting aside 10 minutes to complete this survey. It will help guide us into the coming year, and provide initial input into the strategic planning effort we plan to launch later in the year.
Thank you for setting aside time to share your important perspective with us!
We look forward to seeing more of you in 20191!

The following questions are intended to give us a general idea of your level and type of involvement with YDEKC.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your affiliation with YDEKC? You may select more than one response.

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* 2. Overall, how satisfied have you been with YDEKC's work over the past year?

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* 3. Over the past year, what have you found most valuable about being a part of YDEKC (i.e. Why are you a member)?

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* 4. What is one change that you would like to see YDEKC make in the coming year?

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* 5. Which of the following do you depend on to stay informed about YDEKC?

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* 6. Overall, how valuable have you found YDEKC offerings to be?

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* 7. Is there anything that would make you more likely to attend YDEKC workshops, trainings, meetings or events in the future?

Question Title

* 8. How well do you believe that...

  Not at all well Somewhat well Very well
...the public understands the programs and services that youth development programs provide?
...funders recognize the unique role that youth development organizations play in supporting King County's children and youth? partners recognize the unique role that community based organizations play in supporting children and youth?
...local youth development organizations use a collective voice to influence decision makers?