IHCD's Accessibility Survey for the Town of Fairhaven’s ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Survey

1.Do you have concerns related to accessing Municipal buildings or programs? If you do, please list your concerns below.
2.Have you experienced challenges when navigating Municipal buildings, facilities, parks, rights of way (e.g. sidewalks, paths, crosswalks)? If you have, then please explain these challenges.
3.Have you experienced challenges with accessing or navigating any Town programs, services or activities either in the physical world or online? If you have, please explain these challenges.
4.Where do you see the greatest limitations in Municipal buildings, facilities, and/or programming?
5.Would you be interested in receiving training(s) on the ADA? If you would, what topics would you like addressed?
6.Do you have any additional suggestions about solutions for a more inclusive Town?