3-Question JHU Ombuds Experience Survey (Anonymous)
The JHU Ombuds Office uses visitor feedback to improve the services we offer. Your responses are anonymous. We greatly value any input you are willing to provide.
How would you rate the helpfulness of your interactions with the Ombuds Office?
Extremely helpful
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not so helpful
Totally unhelpful
How would you have managed this concern if you had not consulted with the Ombuds Office (check all the apply)?
I would not have felt comfortable speaking to anyone about my concern.
I would have spoken to a fellow student/postdoc/colleague.
I would have raised my concern within JHU administration (department head, DGS, PhD Director, Dean, Student Affairs, etc.)
I would have filed a formal complaint within an existing JHU grievance process.
I would have sought advice from someone outside of JHU.
I would have considered leaving my program or the University.
Other (please specify)
How likely are you to refer others to the Ombuds Office?
Highly likely
Moderately likely
Moderately unlikely
Highly unlikely
Additional comments or suggestions (optional):