“Culturally Competent Work with Unaccompanied Minors in the Educational" by Stephanie Carnes 

Please complete the following survey. In order to obtain CEUs through NYSSSWA, the New York State Education Department - Office of Professions requires that we provide proof of attendance with sign in and out sheets as well as a completed evaluation form. Your individual responses will remain confidential. Any information shared with presenters or the licensure board will not include any names.

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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. Please provide your NYSSSWA member or registration email address.

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* 4. Overall, how would you rate this workshop?

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* 5. How successful was this workshop in meeting the 3 Learning Objectives? 
Learning Objective 1:   Participants will understand the reasons for migration and historical trends of UC migration

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* 6. Learning Objective 2:   Participants will be able to Identify specific practices to build skills of attending, self-regulation and compassion.

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* 7. Learning Objective 3:  Participants will be able to analyze how embodying and modeling mindfulness in our role as a practitioner can increase the efficacy of treatment.

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* 8. How would rate the usefulness of the content?

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* 9. How would you rate the presenter's knowledge in the subject?

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* 10. How would you rate the presenter's style of teaching?

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* 11. How would you rate the materials provided?

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* 12. Was the workshop above or below your current skill level?

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* 13. What did you like best or find most useful about the presentation?