We would like local residents to tell us what they think about their local area, and in particular about young people (under 18 years old) drinking in public places.

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. Thinking of this area, how much of a problem would you say the following are?

  A very big problem  A fairly big problem  Not a very big problem Not a problem at all
Alcohol related litter in public places 
Young people (under 18 years old) drinking in public places 
Young people (under 18 years old) being drunk and rowdy in public places 
Young people (under 18 years old) hanging around outside of shops asking adults to buy alcohol for them

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* 3. How frequently would you say that you witness young people (under 18 years old) drinking alcohol in and around your local area?

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* 4. Are there particular places in the area that this tends to be a problem?

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* 5. If you answered 'Yes' can you name the particular places?

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* 6. Over the last 12 months would you say that the problems with underage drinking in your local community have:

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* 7. How much would you agree or disagree that the police or other public services are successfully dealing with the problems relating to young people (under 18 years) drinking in public places in your local area?

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* 8. Do you think that there are things to do in this area for young people (under 18)  that do not involve drinking alcohol?

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* 9. If you do not feel that there are enough things for young people (under 18) to do in this area that do not involve drinking, have you got any suggestions for diversionary activities that you think would benefit youths in your community?