SODA CEDs Survey
What are the greatest economic strength(s) of your community/county? Select all that apply.
Aerospace and Aviation
Agriculture, Farming, Ranching, Fishing, Hunting
Educational and Government Services
Energy - Wind, Solar, Biofuels
Healthcare and Social Assistance
Manufacturing and Mining
Mining, Oil and Gas
Retail Trade
Technology and Information Technology Services
Tourism and Recreation (includes Accommodations and, Food Services)
Transportation, Warehousing and Distribution
Other (please specify)
What are the greatest economic challenges to your community/county? Select all that apply
Access to Capital/Venture Funding
Competing with other communities/regions
Cost of Living in community/region
Diversifying the local/regional economy
Healthcare Access and Availability
Lack of Jobs/High-Paying Jobs
Quality of Life concerns/issues
Skilled Workforce/Workforce Development
Talent Attraction/Retention
Transportation Infrastructure/Public Transit
Vulnerability to Severe Weather/Climate Conditions
Other (please specify)
What new economic opportunities should your community/county prioritize for future economic growth? Select all that apply.
Healthcare/ Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship/ Innovation
Recreational Tourism
Bio-agriculture/Green Energy Technology
Information Technology
Manufacturing & Product Development Technology
Other (please specify)
What potential threats or risks do you believe could negatively impact the region’s economy in the future? Select all that apply.
Rising Property Costs & Other Housing-Related Issues
Workforce Shortages
Severe Weather Disruptions/Disasters
Extreme Heat and Other Climate Challenges
Business/Industrial closing or slowdowns
Transportation-related Issues
Declining Population
Other (please specify)
What do you think are the biggest opportunities for economic growth in your community/county over the next 5-10 years?
What community/county are you describing with your responses?
How would you rate the overall quality of life in Southern Oklahoma?
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Average
4. Poor