2024 Call for Nominations: Fellow of the Institute

We need your nominations by Friday, August 30, 2024!

Fellow of the Institute is the Retail Design Institute’s highest honor. The title of Fellow (FRDI) is only granted to an active Professional member who has achieved the highest degree of professionalism and performed outstanding service to and on behalf of the Retail Design Institute over a period of time.

Candidates for Fellow must be Professional members in good standing, who have exhibited the highest level of professional achievement in their career and made a significant contribution to the Institute through a sustained period of service. A member must be nominated by at least two (2) other Professional, Life, or Fellow members. All candidates will be vetted by the Awards Committee.

As members of the Institute and experts in our field, it's our duty and privilege to recognize those volunteers who have consistently exceeded expectations by demonstrating their commitment to the Institute and support of our industry as a whole. Won't you please find time to nominate an active Professional member who you believe meets the criteria. (A member may not, by rule, solicit or nominate themself.) Submit your nomination by Friday, August 30, 2024.

All new Fellows of the Institute will be acknowledged and welcomed at the 53rd Awards Presentation event taking place on October 17, 2024, in New York City.

Past Recipients Include (listed alphabetically):
  • Andrew McQuilkin, FRDI
  • Beth Florsek, FRDI
  • Brian Dyches, FRDI
  • Charles Sparks, FRDI
  • Chuck Raymond, FRDI
  • Fred Robinson, FRDI
  • George Homer, JR., FRDI
  • James Farnell, FRDI
  • Joe Nevin, FRDI
  • Ken Fuller, FRDI
  • Luanne Perry, FRDI
  • Paul Pizzini, FRDI
  • Peter Harrison, FRDI
  • Richard Lewis, FRDI
  • Russel Sway, FRDI
  • Stephen Schwartz, FRDI
  • Tracy Zaslow, FRDI
  • Ray Ehsheid, FRDI
  • Mare Weiss, FRDI
  • Julie Reker, FRDI

Please answer the following 10 questions to nominate a member.
1.Name of Candidate.(Required.)
2.How long have you known the candidate professionally?(Required.)
3.Please indicate whether or not (in your judgement), the candidate meets the requirements for Fellowship based on your knowledge of the candidate, quality of design projects, his/her contributions and service.  Such service shall have potential national or international significance, should have significantly enhanced both the Institute and the profession, and/or shall have enriched the human experience in one or more of the following areas as they relate to store planning: design, literature, education, urban affairs, public service, historic preservation, research, innovation and environmental design.(Required.)
4.Individual Contributions and Accomplishments
(please select all that apply).
5.Indicate the most significant contribution (a single personal achievement of an integrated whole), which qualifies the candidate for Fellowship.

6.Major service to Retail Design Institute Chapter/City Center (Officer or Board Member service). Please list position/s and dates held.(Required.)
7.Major service to Retail Design Institute International organization (Officer, Committee Chair). Please list position/s and dates held.(Required.)
8.Contributions in Other Areas.
9.Other Professional Affiliations.
10.Your Name and Chapter Affiliation (REQUIRED)
Name and Chapter Affiliation of Co-nominator (REQUIRED)
Current Progress,
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