Question Title

* 1.

Below are a series of statements regarding the My Money Program and the workers. Please select an answer according to the degree you agree or disagree with each statement.

  Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree N/A
It was easy to contact the MMP when I needed to
The MMP understood my needs and issues
I was satisfied with the support I received from the MMP
I felt the service I received from the MMP was non-judgemental
I met often with the MMP to plan and respond to my needs
I felt I could trust the MMP to act in my best interests
I felt valued and heard by my MMP
I felt confident that information collected by the MMP was kept confidential and secure
I had a clear understanding of the roles each organisation played in supporting me (co-case management)
Overall, my experience in the My Money Program was positive