anaxSKOOL with Phil Reddington: NBC Credit Survey

1.For Pekkton Hybrids, what is the safe maximum length of distal extension?
2.What does Phil use to polish his Pekkton frames?
3.What did Phil say would be the minimum thickness of a Pekkton frame AROUND an implant cylinder?
4.What is the most influential factor on the composite surface over time?
5.Phil's standard composite finishing protocol includes both polishing AND glazing.
6.Phil always covers the palatal surface of Pekkton frames with composite or glaze.
7.Which frame material requires opaquing in the gingiva portion?
8.What adjustment to the Exocad Thimble Cutback does Phil every time?
9.Which material does Phil always use for the individual crowns on Pekkton frames?
10.What sandblasting unit does Phil use to prepare the Pekkton surface for bonding?
11.Please provide your CDT number AND your name as it appears on your CDT card: