Visitor Survey

Question Title

* 1. How did you know about "V-Connect Vietnam Edition"?

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* 2. If you would make an assessment of this online platform as a whole expressed in marks, which mark would you award?

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* 3. Did you have any difficulties participating in the online?

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* 4. How satifsfied are you with Exhibitor on "V-Connect Vietnam Edition"?

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* 5. If there is a similar digital event in the near future, will you intend to attend?

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* 6. How important do you found "V-Connect Vietnam Edition" to your business?

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* 7. Will you recommend "V-Connect" digital events to your colleague/friends?

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* 8. Other digital shows that you participated in the past 12 months?

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* 9. Conference/Session topics that you participated in this event?

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* 10. Please rate the webinar session on V-Connect Vietnam Edition in terms of usefulness.

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* 11. Conference/Session topics that you would like to participate in the future events? 

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* 12. Companies/buyers you would like to connect with in our future events?

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* 13. What is the best describe the V-Connect Vietnam Edition platform in your opinion?

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* 14. What is the suggestion for the future development for the digital event like this? 

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* 15. When do you think it's best to organize ILDEX Vietnam in 2022?