Through the APS International Research Travel Award Program - Ukraine, physicists impacted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine can receive travel support to visit research collaborators outside their home country to continue their research and maintain their connections and contributions to the global physics enterprise. Recipients receive up to $5,000 toward travel expenses for a minimum one-month visit abroad. This program is made possible by funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

APS respects that many physicists affected by the invasion are not able to travel at this time. Consequently, support for virtual research collaboration is also eligible for support.

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* 1. Applicant Information

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* 2. Nationality

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* 3. Collaborator Information

Narrative Proposal

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* 4. Brief description of how the applicant has been directly affected by the invasion of Ukraine

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* 5. Explanation of the role of the principals in the collaboration

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* 6. Explanation of the expertise (or facilities) that the applicant and their collaborator bring to the proposal

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* 7. Description of how the collaboration became established

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* 8. Lists of up to 5 of the most relevant publications of the applicant and collaborator, including papers co-authored by them, if relevant

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* 9. Description of travel plan and budget.
If other funding sources are leveraged, also include a statement of financial support from an appropriate representative.

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* 10. Statement of financial support or other attachment

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 11. Overview of how this support would also benefit junior scientists, students, and/or postdocs

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* 12. Description of the anticipated impact such as future plans, next steps, and/or the effect on future career or research