Exit Copy of Women's Rights Group Survey Question Title * 1. Have you attended Women's RIght's Group Meetings or events? Yes No Question Title * 2. What meeting days and times below would you prefer: Saturdays at 10 am Monday at 7:00 pm Tuesday at 7:00 pm Wednesday at 7:00pm Thursday at 7:00pm Other: Please specify Question Title * 3. Please tell us in your own words what you are looking for from the Women's Rights Group Question Title * 4. Please review the following list of action items the group has identified for the next year. In which of these activities are you willing to participate: SACReD celebration December 10, 2023 Assist with logistics at 3-4 forums when we have sponsored speakers Election activities such as letter writing and phone banking Partner with Planned Parenthood on creating Care Packs for women having procedures Volunteer at PP facilities Provide food to FUUSF member families during FUUSF family events Provide childcare services to FUUSF member families during FUUSF events Provide emergency childcare services to FUUSF member families when needed International Women's Day Events on March 8, 2024 Question Title * 5. Are there other activities you think the WRG should be planning or other issues you think the WRG should be supporting: Done