Thank you for your interest in joining our Community Engagement Committee!

The Community Engagement Committee will be involved in planning, implementing, and reflecting on meaningful projects that will build collaborative relationships within the RCCs in order to facilitate increased membership, satisfaction, and connection within the SERLC community.

We are looking for people that have a desire to make the SERLC a more trauma-informed and engaged community. Tasks would include planning events and activities, participating in Opening Doors to the Arts, hosting guest speakers, representing the SERLC in outside events and activities, participating in the welcoming of new members to the centers, incorporating feedback from satisfaction surveys to make changes, and anything else the Committee deems fit to pursue.

We seek a wide representation of individuals across all age groups, racial, ethnic, and gender and sexual identities. This Committee will have consistent and structured meetings monthly via Zoom and will be comprised of peer support staff and peer community members.

We are just getting started with this committee, and you will have a role in deciding what you would like that to look like within the SERLC. Please take a moment to tell us about yourself. We would love to hear why and how you would like to get involved, along with any skills and ideas you may have that would be helpful in increasing engagement in our community spaces, and opportunities for members to connect, both inside the RCCs, and out in the community. There are no right or wrong answers and someone will contact you for next steps in joining the committee.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Why would you like to join the Community Engagement Committee? (please check all that apply)

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* 3. What subjects are you passionate about? (Please select all that apply)

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* 4. Are you familiar with using Zoom?

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* 5. Do you have the technology requirements to use Zoom?

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* 6. Are you able to attend monthly meetings on Zoom?

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* 7. What days are most convenient for you for the monthly meetings?

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* 8. What times of the day are more convenient for you to meet monthly?

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* 9. What role do you feel the Community Engagement Committee should have for the SERLC?

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* 10. What skills, strengths, or knowledge will you bring to the committee?

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* 11. How do you see yourself contributing to the committee?

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* 12. What ideas do you have that can be utilized to improve the experiences of new and existing members?

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* 13. What is your email?

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* 14. What RCCS do you attend?

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