Welcome to THST's Fan Survey 2024

Welcome to the biggest annual survey of fan opinion at Tottenham Hotspur. More than 5,000 of you took part in last year's survey, the results of which can be read here. We're keen to reach an ever bigger sample this time, so please do take 15-20 minutes to complete - and tell your friends, too.

We want to know your thoughts on the key issues affecting Spurs fans as we look ahead to the 2024-25 season. Your views are crucial in helping our reading of certain situations, informing our judgement when adopting organisational positions, and providing a valuable temperature check of fan sentiment on a broad range of topics.

This year's survey consists of 10 sections and should take around 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on your answers. It's not quick, precisely because there's a lot going on and it's important we take the time to canvas your views thoroughly. You can leave the survey and return to it later, providing you use the same device.

The sections are as follows:

1. It's all about you
2. Season tickets and memberships
3. Home comforts
4. Match day atmosphere
5. Playing away
6. Spurs are on the telly
7. Football performance
8. Ownership and governance
9. Together THFC
10. THST: How are we doing?

Once you've completed the survey, please share the link with a fellow Spurs fan. We need as many responses as possible in order to capture the breadth and depth of supporter views.

NB: This survey closes at midnight on Thursday 27 June. Thank you in advance for taking part.

THST Board
7 June 2024