CIRI values and appreciates all submissions. Submitting a topic or speaker nomination does not guarantee any person a speaking engagement or topic to be discussed at CIRI’s Annual Conference. Speakers and topics are accepted at the discretion of the Canadian Investor Relation Institute and its member-based Annual Conference Committee. 

Speakers will only be contacted if they are invited to speak in a session. Submissions must be received by January 19, 2024 to be considered.

Question Title

* Do you plan on attending CIRI's 2024 Annual Conference?

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* Do you have a session topic idea you would like to learn about during the conference? If yes please provide further details.

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* Do you have a speaker suggestion or would you like to be a speaker? If yes, please provide the following:

Question Title

* Networking with peers from across Canada is one of the main benefits to attending CIRI's Annual Conference. We would love to hear your ideas on ways we can incorporate exciting and thoughtful activities to enhance these experiences?

Question Title

* Please provide your name and email. (optional)

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* Please provide any other comments?

100% of survey complete.