University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Vice President of Administration and Finance
Community Input Survey

WittKieffer is pleased to be supporting the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in this search. As we prepare to head to market, we want to hear from the community. Please take a few minutes to offer your thoughts via this survey.
1.Please indicate your role at the UMBC:
2.What are the most important challenges or issues for the VPAF to address?
3.What are the most important opportunities that the next VPAF may have?
4.What are some distinct aspects of the UMBC? What are some principal reasons you enjoy being part of the community?
5.What are the ideal qualifications and qualities you would like to see in the next VPAF?
6.What points do you want the WittKieffer team to emphasize to candidates?
7.When you think five years into the future, what will you see that tells you that the right VPAF hire was made?
8.Any other information you would like to share?  
9.Do you have any internal or external candidate nominations or recommendations? If so, please provide us with their name, email, and institution or organization.