Welcome to the Salisbury Police Community Survey

We, at the Salisbury Police Department, welcome and take community input very seriously. It is through your comments and feedback we will improve professionally as an organization. Thank you for taking the time to take our survey. You can always compliment an officer or employee on our website:  www.salisburypolice.com 

Thomas W. Fowler
Chief of Police

Question Title

* 1. Please describe your opinion of the overall performance of the Salisbury Police Department.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the overall competence of our officers and employees.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate officers' and employees' attitudes and behavior towards the public.

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your overall perception of safety and security in Salisbury

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* 5. Have you had any contact with a Salisbury Police Officer or employee in the past six months?

Question Title

* 6. Please rank the following crime concerns

  Very Important Important Moderately Important Slightly Important Not Important
Burglary (from homes)
Disorderly Conduct
Thefts (includes shoplifting)
Underage Drinking
Violent Crime
Youth Matters

Question Title

* 7. Please rank the police activities that are most important to you

  Very Important Important Moderately Important Slightly Important Not Important
Police Visibility
Response to Calls for Service
Drug Enforcement
Traffic Enforcement
Drug/Alcohol Addiction Outreach

Question Title

* 8. What services would you like to see implemented or more of?

  Implement More of Same Amount Less of Eliminate
Community Substation at the beach
Bike Patrols
Foot Patrols
Marine Patrols
Officers in Salisbury Elementary School

Question Title

* 9. Please provide us with your contact information (Optional)

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* 10. Thank you for taking our survey. Please add any comments or suggestion you may have.