Webinar Evaluation

Question Title

* 1. To evaluate the North Carolina-Moldova Nursing website, please rate how difficult it was for you to do the following:

  Not difficult, I can do this very easily. With a little effort, I can do this. Some difficulty, but I can do this most of the time. I often have difficulty doing this. Very difficult, I cannot do this at all.
Login as a Guest.
Select your preferred language.
Find the list of Courses.
Find the Disaster Management course.
Scroll through the list of 10 webinars.
Select on webinar and view it the recording.
Download the slides.

Question Title

* 2. Which webinar did you view? Please select one.

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* 3. Which device did you use for the webinar?

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* 4. Please rate your experience with the webinar and slides:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I was able to open and view the webinar.
I was able to enlarge the video to the full screen.
Translation of the content of the webinar in the recording was understandable.
Translation of the text on the slides was understandable.
The information in the webinar was too complex and difficult to follow.
The information is relevant to my responsibilities and needs.
The speaker clearly communicated the information.
The webinar increased my understanding of the topic.
I feel confident I can share information from the webinar with my colleagues.
The webinar stimulated  my thinking and curiosity.

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* 5. What was the most important or interesting thing you learned from this webinar?

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* 6. What information from the webinar can you use in your practice or teaching?

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* 7. Is there additional information you would like on the webinar topic?

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* 8. Have you used a computer or tablet to access the website?

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* 9. Have you used a smart phone to access the website?

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* 10. Do you have access to a computer at work?

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* 11. Is the internet signal sufficient for the webinar audio and visual?

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* 12. Do you often experience a dropped internet signal?

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* 13. Thank you for your feedback. Do you have any other comments?