Survey Introduction

The Presbyterian Church of Deep Run will be celebrating its 300th anniversary in 2025. The Strategic Discernment Team is looking for your feedback to guide us as we plan towards the future. It has been a few years since a survey was released to the congregation and many things have changed in that time. We are discerning the feasibility of launching a Capital Campaign in the Spring of 2023 as part of our 300th anniversary so that we can continue to be “a church where all the families in our community can find hope and a place to belong” (PCDR vision statement). As we prepare to celebrate this major milestone, we would like to get input from everyone (members, prospective members, and visitors).

We encourage you to take time to answer each question in the most honest and accurate way that you can. The feedback you provide will be taken seriously. Please use this as an opportunity to speak the truth in love, recognizing we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We want to know what is on your heart as it relates to our ministry together. Please answer every question in the best way that you can.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Age Bracket

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* 4. Are you a (Choose One):

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* 5. In a spirit of faith, fellowship and fun, what types of activities or events would help us to connect or reconnect with one another as a church family?

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* 6. Please share your hopes for the future of Deep Run, and how you feel we can reach that future?

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* 7. What specific gifts or talents do you have that you would be willing to share with the church?

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* 8. It has been over 20 years since any major renovations or restorations have taken place on our campus. Our church has been a cornerstone in the community for worship, mission activities, the nursery school, outside group meetings, and community events. In order to continue using our campus to support our congregation and the community, there are areas that have been identified as needing repairs and/or updates. We also have a need to invest in our worship programs and mission activities. A Capital Campaign would allow us to make these investments to provide for current and future generations. Please provide your honest feedback as we discern the feasibility for a Capital Campaign which would begin in the Spring of 2023.

What items on a Capital Campaign would be most important to you? Please rank the following in order of importance with 1 being the most important.

  1. Growing the Deep Run Endowment to Support our Ministry
  2. Manse Roof
  3. Parking Lot Repaving
  4. Red School House Kitchenette (maintaining historical features while making space more usable for renting out for retreats or meetings, etc.)
  5. Red School House Air Conditioning
  6. Nursery School Air Conditioning
  7. Floor in Sunday School Wing (tiles popping, tripping hazard)
  8. Continuing the Virtual Log College High School Internship to provide live-streaming for homebound and visitors
  9. Part-time Staff to assist with Congregational Care/Visitations
  10. Bringing on Princeton Seminary Interns
  11. Paid Childcare in the Nursery for worship services and Church activities

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* 9. If we ran a Capital Campaign, should a percentage of funds raised going to Mission Giving - how much?

0 100

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* 10. Are there any other items you would recommend funding through a Capital Campaign that are not listed above (please explain):

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* 11. Are you open to supporting a Capital Campaign over and above your regular giving?

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* 12. Do you feel that PCDR is positioned to conduct a major Capital Campaign?

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* 13. Would you be willing to help with a Capital Campaign?

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* 14. As we look towards our 300th anniversary in 2025, in what ways do you envision us celebrating?