1. ESD mapping Questionnaire

Dear Colleagues,
This questionnaire is part of a local study focusing on mapping current practices in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Malta.
This questionnaire is being administered by mapESD and CEER(UM) and we would be grateful if you could answer the questions below, which take approximately 10 minutes. All individual answers will be treated with confidentiality, and no personal data is gathered or stored.


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* 2. Age

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* 3. Gender

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* 4. Highest level of Education obtained

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* 5. In which area do you work?

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* 6. What are the first three words that come to your mind when you hear the term 'Sustainable Development' (SD)?

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* 7. What are the first three words that come to your mind when you hear the term 'Education for Sustainable Development' (ESD)?

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* 8. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? (1=fully disagree, 2= disagree, 3= not sure, 4=agree, 5=fully agree)

  1 2 3 4 5
SD is a real concern for my country
ESD is a real concern for my country
The government is engaged in ESD
The local community is engaged in ESD
Private industry is engaged in ESD
ESD is properly embedded into teaching and learning activities in Maltese education
All courses at Higher Education Institutions include embedded ESD principles
Professionals in Malta are keen to receive training on ESD
There is a lot of skepticism related to ESD among various professions
Students are motivated to undertake ESD initiatives and take action
Employees are motivated to undertake ESD initiatives and take action
Leaders and directors are motivated to undertake ESD initiatives and take action
Individuals can have a better career pathway if they have good ESD understanding
There is a growing demand for experts and professionals in ESD in my country
ESD training should become obligatory
There are enough ESD processes or activities in the community
Government employees should have cyclical ESD training
Private employees should have cyclical ESD training
Warranted ESD professionals should be leading ESD activities
Sustainability awareness programmes will lead to behavioural change.
It is easy to bring about a positive behavioural change in my entity and/or targeted audience.
It is important to invest time and resources to educate staff, members and/or the general audience in SD (e.g. capacity-building, community outreach, CSR, professional development, extra-curricular activities).
Support from ESD professionals would facilitate the design and implementation of activities.
An ESD action plan is essential to improve the outcome of our practices.
Collaboration with other entities is of utmost importance to share examples of good practices, design and implement informative and educational projects about sustainable behaviour.
ESD is the key to achieving a positive change in behaviour

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* 9. Which aspects of ESD should be MOSTLY addressed in Malta? (multiple answers possible)

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* 10. Which of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should feature most prominently in ESD? (multiple answers possible)

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* 11. Have you received or pursued training on matters related to ESD?

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* 12. Are you (or the entity you are representing) involved in ESD projects? If so, in which types? (multiple answers possible)

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* 13. What do you (or the entity you are representing) prioritize and focus on when planning educational and communication campaigns on sustainability? Choose 5 as the highest priority and 1 as the lowest priority.

  1 - Lowest priority 2 - Low Priority 3 - Normal priority 4 - High priority 5 - Highest Priority
Learner centred (e.g. hands on, engaging, problem solving)
Type of audience
Promote thinking skills
Empowerment of audience
Transmission of knowledge
Raising awareness
Participatory approach
Collaboration with other entities

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* 14. Which are the challenges to implementing ESD ? (multiple answers possible)

  Not important at all Not important Neither important or unimportant Important Very important
Staff expertise
Staff interest
Students’ or employees interest
Institutional support
Legislative initiatives / requirements
Lack of professional association

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* 15. Does the entity you represent have a particular individual whose role is to develop and plan educational and communication strategies and projects focused on sustainable development?

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* 16. If yes, what type of accreditation/qualifications does this person hold?

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* 17. Which are/could be the main drivers for implementing ESD in Malta? (multiple answers possible)

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* 18. Do you see a potential need for a professional ESD association?

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* 19. Do you see a potential need for a warrant afforded to ESD practitioners?

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* 20. Are there any other aspects related to ESD that you consider important and that were not covered by this survey? (please explain)