Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important survey measuring the effectiveness of the rewards programs in our stores. Today we will be gaining your thoughts and opinions in order to better serve you in the future. This survey should only take approximately 10 minutes to completed. Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality. At the end of the survey we will ask you for your full name and phone number. Only completed surveys with a full name and phone number will go into the draw for 10 x $100 vouchers.

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* 1. In order for you to be eligible to go into the random draw for the gift cards, we require you to complete the following information so we can contact you if you are successful.

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* 2. Are you happy for us to contact you if we require any additional information or to inform you of any future surveys?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. What is your age?

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* 5. Are you aware that our supermarket gives the most money back to local community groups compared to other supermarkets in the area? (For instance in 2018, we gave back $100,000)

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* 6. How important is it to you that we give back money to local community groups each year?

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* 7. How important are loyalty cards to you when choosing a supermarket to shop with?

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* 8. Do you shop at Michael’s SUPA IGA?