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In 1893 Colorado made history by becoming the first state in the union to allow women to vote. But it wasn’t the first state to debate the issue. When did Washington lawmakers first entertain suffrage and by what margin did the amendment fail?

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The Constitutional Convention is often called the 100-day debate. The original states appointed 70 delegates. How many of those delegates failed to attend a single meeting?

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Many US Presidents started from humble roots. We’ve all heard the story of President Lincoln and the log cabin, but do you know which US President grew up in this Iowa cottage? He also accidentally set fire to his father's farm but went on to serve as the Director of U.S. Food Administrations and the third U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

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In the line of succession for the President of the United States what position is third in line, and which one is last?

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Which one of these men did not sign both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?

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Which President was buried under a willow tree he planted himself taken from a slip of a willow at the grave of Napoleon on the Island of Saint Helena?

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On December 23, 1925, the Washington State Legislature corrected the spelling of which one of the state's counties?

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In 1787, the framers of the United States Constitution established Article 1 detailing the structure and powers of Congress. Which of these four participants believed U.S. Senators should be elected to lifetime terms to avoid political pressure?

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On December 16, 1773, a group of American Colonists organized the infamous Boston Tea Party to send a message to the British government that they would not stand for taxation without representation in Parliament. How much tea was dumped into Boston Harbor that fateful night?

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The name gerrymandering originated from the actions of Elbridge Gerry, the then governor of Massachusetts and soon-to-be vice president of the United States. In 1812 he signed a bill to allow redistricting in the state for political gain and people said the new lines looked like what animal?

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In 1859, the Washington Territorial Legislature passed an act changing Washington's capital from Olympia to what city?

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Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, is one giant piece of artwork expected to impress onlookers for generations to come. The iconic landmark is carved out of granite, which erodes roughly one-inch every 10,000 years. Since each president’s nose is about 240 inches long, how long might they last before completely wearing away?

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Considered the supreme law of the land, the U.S. Constitution has 4,400 words and is the oldest and shortest written constitution of any major government in the world. Near the Framers’ signatures at the end there is a glaring misspelling of which state?

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During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched many federal programs to provide jobs and develop the nation’s resources. The 1930’s saw a boom in massive public works projects, including several dams. Which dam, funded by Roosevelt’s New Deal, is the largest dam in the United States today?

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Which president used a law, later deemed unconstitutional, to imprison a member of Congress for calling him pompous?

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Every person who files a federal income tax return can “check off,” or assign, three dollars of their tax bill to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. What percentage of taxpayers checked the “yes” box in 2020?

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First Lady is the official title for the president’s wife. However, not all First Ladies were married to the president. In incidences where the chief executive was a bachelor or widower, the role has occasionally fallen to daughters, sisters, and other close family. Who was the most recent sitting president to need a first lady pinch-hitter?

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