We are inviting our members to apply for our newly formed working groups and task forces. This is your opportunity to actively contribute to driving our vision forward and making Passivhaus a forefront standard in the building environment. The launch of these forums is integral to supporting APA’s development of an expanding set of guidelines, policies, campaigns, and evidence banks to strengthen our advocacy.

The Building Physics Leadership Committee will focus on assembling leading experts in building physics to elevate the quality standards in the Australian market. Its mission includes identifying essential areas of education, providing technical support, and conducting data analysis. The committee will be responsible for conducting post-occupancy assessments, developing systematic condensation assessment processes, and offering expert guidance on thermal bridging. Additionally, it will maintain comprehensive libraries of resources on thermal bridging and detailing best practices, while reviewing existing content for relevance and effectiveness. to Learn more details about the committee's role, responsibilities, and deliverables, please refer to the committee's Terms of Reference.

Your involvement will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the Passivhaus movement in Australia and advancing our shared goals.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to the success of Passivhaus adoption in Australia.

Question Title

* 1. First & Last name

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* 2. Company

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* 3. Title

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* 4. Email

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* 5. Mobile/ Phone Number

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* 8. Outline your relevant experience, skills, or expertise related building physics principles, specifically in areas such as heat and moisture transfer, ventilation, and thermal performance?

Question Title

* 9. Have you conducted any research or authored publications related to building physics or Passivhaus design? If yes, please provide details.

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* 10. Briefly describe why you are interested in joining the Building Physics Leadership Committee

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* 11. Please provide a link to your Linkedin