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* 1. Full Name

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* 3. Phone

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* 4. LinkedIn URL

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* 5. Have you ever participated in a coaching or mentoring program before?

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* 6. What is the highest level of school that you have completed?

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* 7. What are your primary career or professional development goals for the next 12 months? Choose your top 3.

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* 8. On a Scale, how committed are you to achieving your goals through a 12-month coaching program?

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* 9. Are you willing to invest the necessary time and effort to work on your goals consistently throughout the 12-month program?

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* 10. What is your preferred communication style for coaching sessions? (e.g., in-person, video calls, phone calls, or email)

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* 11. What is your budget for investing in coaching services? (Committed to a minimum of 12 sessions within a year.

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* 12. Are there any specific concerns or limitations that might affect your participation in a 12-month coaching program? (e.g., time constraints, financial limitations, or other commitments)

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* 13. How would you describe your current support system for achieving your goals, such as friends, family, or colleagues?