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* 1. Which of these natural hazards have you experienced? (Check all that apply.)

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* 2. What was the most difficult part for you in recovering from past disasters that you have experienced? (1 being most difficult and 6 being least difficult.)

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* 3. How concerned are you about the possibility of your community experiencing each of these natural hazards? (Check the corresponding circle for each natural hazard.)

  Not Concerned Somewhat Concerned Very Concerned
Dam/levee failure
Drought/extreme heat
Hazardous Materials
Hurricane/tropical storm
Winter weather

Question Title

* 4. In your opinion, which of the following categories are more likely to be impacted by natural hazards in your community? (Rank the community assets in order of likeliness, 1 being most likely and 6 being least likely.) Please note, the list will automatically re-order itself as you make your selections. You can also drag and drop the items on the list to reorder them.

Question Title

* 5. How important is each of the following specific community assets to you? (Check the appropriate circle for each asset.)

  Not Important Not Very Important Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
Day Care and Elder Care Facilities
Emergency Operations Centers
Emergency Shelters
Fire, Police and EMS Stations
Historic Buildings
Hospitals and Medical Facilities
Local Businesses
Major Roads and Bridges
Parks and Recreation
Schools (K-12)
Town Hall/Courthouse

Question Title

* 6. Natural hazards can have a significant impact on a community, but planning for these types of events can help lessen the impacts. Please tell us how important each statement is to you by checking the appropriate circle for each.

  Not Important Not Very Important Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
Protecting private property
Protecting critical facilities (for example, hospitals, police stations, fire stations, etc.)
Preventing development in hazard areas
Enhancing the function of natural features (for example, streams, wetlands, etc.)
Protecting historical and cultural landmarks
Protecting and reducing damage to utilities
Strengthening emergency services (for example, police, fire, ambulance)
Promoting cooperation among public agencies, citizens, non-profit organizations, and businesses

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* 7. What are some steps that you and/or your local government could take to reduce or eliminate the risk of future natural hazard damages in your neighborhood?

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* 8. A number of community-wide activities can reduce risk from natural hazards. Please tell us how important you think each one is for your community to consider pursuing.

  Not Important Neutral Very Important
Local Plans and Regulations (Government policies or codes that influence the way land and buildings are developed and built.)
Structure and Infrastructure Projects (Modifying existing structures and infrastructure to protect them from a hazard or remove them from a hazard area.)
Natural Systems Protection (Actions that minimize damage and losses and also preserve or restore the functions of natural systems.)
Education and Awareness Programs (Actions that inform and educate citizens, elected officials and property owners about hazards and potential ways to mitigate them.)
Other Types of Actions (Actions that are related to mitigation in ways that make sense to the local government that do not fall into one of the categories above.)

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* 9. What are the most effective ways for you to receive information about how to make your home and neighborhood more resistant to natural hazards?

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* 11. How long have you lived in the Iredell-Rowan region?

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* 12. Is your home located in a floodplain?

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* 13. Do you know how to determine if your property is located in a floodplain?

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* 14. Do you have flood insurance?

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* 15. If “No,” why not?

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* 16. What type of building do you live in?

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* 17. In the following list, please check the activities that you have done in your household, plan to do in the near future, have not done, or are unable to do. (Please check one response for each preparedness activity.)

  Have Done Plan To Do Not Done Unable To Do
Attended meetings or received written information on natural disasters or emergency preparedness?
Talked with members in your household about what to do in case of a natural disaster or emergency?
Developed a “Household/Family Emergency Plan” in order to decide what everyone would do in the event of a disaster?
Has your household practiced this plan?
Prepared a “Disaster Supply Kit” (stored extra food, water, batteries or other emergency supplies)?
In the last year, has anyone in your household been trained in First Aid or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)?
Prepared your home by installing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms on each level of the home?
Discussed or created a utility shutoff procedure in the event of a natural disaster?

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* 18. Additional Comments

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