Gifted Student Near-Peer Internship Application |
1. Gifted Student Near-Peer Internship Application
Dear Gifted Student and Parents,
Thank you for your interest in our Near-Peer Internship Program for Gifted High School and College Students. Please take a moment to answer all of the questions on this application form. Students under the age of 18 must provide parental information where it is requested on the application and must obtain parental permission.
I look forward to working with you,
Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos, Ph.D.
Director of Scientific Communications
Chair, Division of Program Development and Assessment
Institute for Biomedical Philosophy
Thank you for your interest in our Near-Peer Internship Program for Gifted High School and College Students. Please take a moment to answer all of the questions on this application form. Students under the age of 18 must provide parental information where it is requested on the application and must obtain parental permission.
I look forward to working with you,
Melissa K. Demetrikopoulos, Ph.D.
Director of Scientific Communications
Chair, Division of Program Development and Assessment
Institute for Biomedical Philosophy